Extended Warranty Offers

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AED 9,800
In stock
Laundry Set: WWD120 washing machine & TWC220 heat-pump dryer
AED 12,800
In stock
Laundry Set: WWD660 washing machine & TWD260 heat-pump dryer
AED 15,800
In stock
Laundry Set: WWG660 washing machine & TWF760 heat-pump dryer
AED 19,800
In stock
Laundry Set: WWI860 washing machine & TWL780 heat-pump dryer
AED 31,800
In stock
Laundry Set: WWV980 washing machine & TWV780 heat-pump dryer
AED 4,900
In stock
WWD120 WCS 8kg Washing Machine
AED 6,400
In stock
WWD660 WCS TDos & 8kg Washing Machine
AED 7,900
In stock
WWG660 WCS TDos&9kg Washing Machine
AED 9,900
In stock
WWI860 WPS PWash&TDos&9kg Washing Machine
AED 15,900
In stock
WWV980 WPS Passion Washing Machine
AED 9,900
In stock
WTD160 WCS 8/5 kg Washer-dryer
AED 12,400
In stock
WTR860WPM PWash&TDos 8/5kg Washer-dryer
AED 4,900
In stock
TWC220 WP 8kg Heat-pump Dryer
AED 6,400
In stock
TWD260 WP 8kg Heat-pump Dryer
AED 7,900
In stock
TWF760 WP EcoSpeed&8kg Heat-pump Dryer
AED 9,900
In stock
TWL780 WP EcoSpeed&Steam&9kg Heat-pump Dryer
AED 15,900
In stock
TWV780 WP Passion Heat-pump Dryer
AED 4,900
In stock
G 5000 SC Front Active Freestanding Dishwasher
AED 6,900
In stock
G 7110 SC Front AutoDos Freestanding Dishwasher
AED 10,400
In stock
G 7310 SC AutoDos Freestanding Dishwasher
AED 7,900
In stock
KS 4783 ED Freestanding Refrigerator
AED 7,900
In stock
FNS 4782 E Freestanding Freezer
AED 9,400
In stock
B 995 D Rotary Ironer
AED 11,900
OUT OF STOCK - For further details, please call 800 MIELE (64353) or send an email to experiencecenter@miele.ae
B 4847 FashionMaster
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